Our services
Due to changes in technology and a lack of demand, SeniorNet Dunedin no longer offers courses on specific topics. Our focus is now on providing individual support and instruction at our bi-weekly drop-in help clinics.
Our terms of service can be viewed here.
Weekly drop-in help clinics
We operate two weekly help clinics:
Wed 10:00 - 12:00pm
Village Green Cafe & Bar
Fri 10:00 - 12:00pm
Mornington Presbyterian Church
If required, members can book a specific tutor or timeslot at each of these venues.
The last clinic for 2024 will be on Wed the 18th of December. Clinics will resume on Wed the 15th of Jan 2025.
Monthly talks
On the last Friday of the month, we have a guest speaker and/or a presentation on topics that are relevant to our members.
Newcomers welcome.
Members also have free access to SeniorHangouts, a valuable online resource for seniors, providing an easy and convenient way to learn, stay connected, and make new friends in a safe and secure environment.